Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Adult only flights? I'm all for it!

I'm a few days late with this post, although according to a Reuters article published just a few hours ago, the popularity of 'adult only flights' is on the up.

It may come as a surprise, but I am all for this.

It's a tricky issue – I've been on both sides of the coin. Having once been a childless traveler myself, I can completely understand that a screaming/moaning/chair-kicking menace is the average flyer's worst nightmare.

However, on our return flight from Portugal last year I suffered life on the other side of the fence. Following severe delays to our flight and ill-preparation on my behalf in the way of drinks and in-flight snacks, I was met with a writhing and screeching delight of a child.

Contrary to many miserable-faced and loudly voiced opinions, I was not pinching my child for the pure satisfaction of letting him disturb our lovely experience of sitting on the tarmac for 2 hours.

(Another mother with a child in equal mid-tantrum mode told me an awe-inspiring story; a woman, as her child was screeching for dear life in her arms, was kindly asked by her fellow passenger to "control her child" (I presume by all extent that the mother until this point was provoking her daughter/son to ensure maximum "uncontrollable" behaviour) – her reaction to which was to hand her scoundrel of an offspring over to the stranger with the words: "you give it a go.")

Having experienced both dilemmas, I can assure you that flying childless was much more pleasurable than traveling with my pride and joy. And it is with this first-hand research that I have come to the conclusion that I would greatly enjoy enforcement of child-free flights, with just a few provisos....

  1. There is an alternative 'Kids flight' – I'm thinking childcare-trained, perhaps magician air stewards, in-flight ball ponds, non-stop CBBC and CBeebies channels – all of which you could pick your child up from at your destination point.
  2. I like this idea of a double-decker 'parents and kids upstairs, childless miseries downstairs' approach, but do I get a cheaper flight for being in the clamour of the cattle cabin?
  3. We put the kids in the cargo hold like we do beloved pets crossing the borders. Can we organise some kind of six-month quarantine too?
As a parent talking to the so-called "75% of business class passengers" who are "bothered by children", I don't like having a kid screaming in my ear and kicking me anymore than you do. I particularly don't like it when a person with my very own DNA is making such a racket in an enclosed environment and, even worse, strapped like a limpet to my lap (but by the way you giving me the death stare is making it 100% more bearable).

I will ask you this though: if we do start to omit children from your flight, what are you going to do about Mr "I've just landed so I had better let everyone in my phone's address book know immediately and preferably at the TOP OF MY VOICE because clearly texting just doesn't do the trick" and Mr "I got upgraded from economy and I am just ECSTATIC about it – wow, do I really get a napkin and proper Champagne? This is well nice."?

What are your thoughts? Leave your comments below!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant post! I so love your last paragraph. I HATE those idiots who can't wait to get on their mobile phone and tell all and sundry they have landed. At top volume. Ignorant idiots, they are.

As for child only flights, hmmm, tricky one. I think I can see both sides. Apart from the fact I don't like flying simply because airports stress me out so much, if I was faced with a bored child nearby who was screaming, causing havoc, making everyone's flight miserable, then I'd be a bit fed up too. But children are just as entitled to fly on planes as the ignorant business passengers are. Some of those passengers forget they used to be children themselves.

CJ xx

Julia from KidsTravel2 said...

I can see both sides too! Maybe if childless flights were an option then anyone booking onto a flight with children would have no cause for complaint.

I do like the idea of some form of child entertainment on flight. Speaking personally, as a parent I would also be happy to be in a different area on the plane with other parents/kids who are likely to be more understanding. Interesting post!

Expat mum said...

I have travelled (short and long distance) for 18 years with small children. Youngest is still only 7 altho' has never, ever had an in-flight tantrum.
To those in favour of adult-only flights, I say go for it. There is nothing stopping them from chartering flights and filling them up with child-free passengers, but I guarantee the major airlines aren't too keen to provide them as regular flights. If you look on most flights, at least half the passengers will be families. How could they ever risk such a decrease in customers, especially in this economic climate.

S said...

Thanks for all your comments!

I think most people would be surprised that it sounds like the majority of parents are at least in some way supportive of adult only flights - although the reoccurring theme seems to be that us parents get to have child-free time too! Maybe there really is a gap in the market for child only flights!! Dragons' Den here I come...

I think for now, this should at least be a wake up call to the airlines to provide more entertainment to their younger passengers to avoid any potential tantrums.

Plus, at least this is giving us a chance to say to our fellow passengers who are lucky enough to be traveling without-child that we don't like it any more than they do but similarly, until an alternative becomes available, we've all got to grin and bear it - or maybe just get some noise proof headphones?!

Samm x