Wednesday, 12 January 2011

No work and no play makes mummy a very cranky girl

People who give your child a toy that makes a noise for Christmas/birthday/"just because" should be immediately shot.

'Harsh', you say?

Well - in my defense - there are several reasons for my less than upbeat tone...
  1. I am currently workless and, as a result, frantically looking for a job. 
  2. We have a house full of illness.
  3. T got me a coffee machine for Christmas and as a result I'm either buzzing on caffeine or I've got a headache.
But enough of my sympathy rant - back to those wretched talking and singing toys.

As I sit here daily, trying to put into words to potential employers why I am so absolutely amazing and downright perfect for their job, I am continuously interrupted mid-flow by an annoyingly perky American woman singing 'Hickory Dickory Dock', or YoJoJo letting us know how much he loves playing his pipling pipes, or a frog in a train calling us all to climb aboard and get counting.

Sure, these toys are fine the first time, especially when I see how much joy Little O gets from dancing to a jauntily tuned drum. And even the second, third – hell, even the tenth time I can still be dancing along with him. But after five days of sitting and listening to the incessant tunes of Fisher Price's finest orchestras, I am close to absolutely losing the plot.

I learned the hard way that switching them off will not help, it only aids to the volume as Little O dramatically sobs and flails about because he clearly can't play with these toys unless they can sing back at him.

My one and only hope is the glorious moment when the batteries finally cease to work.

Is it bad that I was genuinely happy about this?


...and after.

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